Tribeca Immersive returns with an incredible lineup of AR and VR experiences. Tribeca Film...
Tag - Tribeca Immersive
Tribeca: VR Documentary ‘Vestige’ Explores Love...
“Our memory is a more perfect world than the universe: it gives back life to those who no longer...
Creators Of ‘Job Simulator’ Announce Follow-Up ‘Vacation...
We go hands-on with the successor to Owlchemy Labs’ wildly popular flagship VR title. Austin...
‘Arden’s Wake: Tide’s Fall’ Is A Masterclass In VR...
Meena’s journey continues in this absolutely breathtaking expansion to last years VR tear-jerker...
John Legend Partners with Baobab Studios for VR Series...
Award-winning musician, actor, producer, and activist John Legend will Executive Produce and Star...