Weekend Downloads: New on Gear VR and Oculus Rift

Weekend Downloads is part of our weekly update to bring you the latest additions to the Samsung Gear VR and Oculus Rift. We’re kicking off the weekend with an official Suicide Squad game from Warner Bros. and a few other games that will have you jumping, blasting and running in VR.

There’s a little something for everyone to check out this week!

This Week’s New Gear VR and Oculus Rift Content (8/13/16)


Suicide Squad: Special Ops VR (FREE – Gear VR)
Just in time for the movie’s launch, Warner Bros. brings you Suicide Squad: Special Ops VR. You have been selected to lead a special task force comprised of highly dangerous incarcerated Super Villains. It is up to you and your Squad of antiheroes to defeat the horde of enemies that try to stop you. Fight as Harley Quinn with her signature baseball bat, or as Deadshot with his rifle, or as Diablo with fire. Also don’t miss the latest Suicide Squad 360 video we got a preview of at Comic-Con.

Mountain Goat Mountain (FREE – Oculus Rift)
From the team at Zynga comes Mountain Goat Mountain, a fast arcade game that pits you as a goat against the highest and most treacherous mountain you’ve ever seen. Jump, climb and dodge your way up a handful of environments, but don’t forget to collect your Goat Hats along the way!

CubeRun VR (FREE – Gear VR)
CubeRun is a running game which is built in a world of cubes. Shake your head left or right to avoid obstacles, collect coins and run your way through four different maps. But be careful…as you run, you move faster and the maps get more difficult.

HeadMaster (FREE – Gear VR)
CubeRun is a running game which is built in a world of cubes. Shake your head left or right to avoid obstacles, collect coins and run your way through four different maps. But be careful…as you run, you move faster and the maps get more difficult.

Starship Disco ($9.99 – Gear VR)
Starship Disco is a music-driven VR rhythm shooter set in outer space. Immerse yourself in your own music in VR with five rhythm games that change dynamically to the playing track. Blast your way to your favorite music in VR today!


Pete’s Dragon 360 Degree VR Experience – Elliot’s Flyover
Experience flying on Pete’s dragon in this new VR/360 video experience! Created by Walt Disney Studios, the 360 experience marries CGI effects with live action footage shot in New Zealand, allowing people to feel like they’re soaring through the sky atop Elliot, the dragon from the film. Pete’s Dragon hits theaters on August 12th in 3D.

Jonathan Nafarrete: Jonathan Nafarrete is the co-founder of VRScout.
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