Italian Airport Using Terrifying Thermal Scanning AR Headsets Amid COVID-19 Outbreak


Thermal scanning technology has proven to be an invaluable tool in combating the spread of COVID-19 these past few months. Whether it be head-mounted wearables or handheld “fever cameras”, technology capable of detecting elevated body temperatures (a common symptom of coronavirus) has the potential to develop into a billion dollar industry; possibly by the end of the year.

One airport in particular, the Aeroporti di Roma-Fiumicino in Rome, Italy, has already begun using advanced head-mounted thermal scanning technology as part of its COVID-19 screening procedures, and while the massive AR-enhanced helmets appear to be an effective solution, they also look and sound incredibly terrifying.

Developed by diversified Chinese technology company Kuang-Chi Technology, the KC N901 Smart Helmet features a wide color waveguide display capable of detecting internal body temperatures at a distance of roughly 8 – 15 feet. The AR overlay displays various temperature information based on two user settings: a single-person mode which displays temperature readings on an individual basis and “Large Crowd” mode, which offers a real-time heat map featuring the max temperature readings of numerous travelers simultaneously. The headset can even be tethered to a traditional optical camera and paired with 5G, WiFi, and Bluetooth hardware for real-time facial recognition.

As if the menacing appearance wasn’t terrifying enough, any abnormal temperatures detected will automatically trigger sonic and visual alarms alerting nearby authorities of the situation and scaring the absolute hell out of anyone in the near-by vicinity. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting some serious Robocop vibes over here.

According to the Aeroporti di Roma-Fiumicino there are currently three N901 headsets being used as part of its airport security. As previously stated, the market for thermal scanning technology is expected to rise dramatically throughout the rest of the year and well into 2021 as more companies begin employing the technology in their day-to-day operations. Don’t be surprised to find your local airlines following similar procedures as air travel begins to continue.

Image Credit: Kuang-Chi Technology

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